What Homeschool Styles and Philosophies do we use as Eclectic Homeschoolers?- Part One: Charlotte Mason
What Homeschool Styles and Philosophies do we use as Eclectic Homeschoolers?- Part One: Charlotte Mason This week is all about homeschool styles, and how we pick and choose, as well as WHAT we pick and choose from the different homeschool philosophies. Aren’t familiar with homeschool philosophies? Head to our FREE Homeschool Help page and see what philosophies resonate with you! We pick and choose from a few different styles: Charlotte Mason (You’re already here!) Montessori- Read that here Unit Studies, Unschooling, and General Life Skills- Read that here What is the Charlotte Mason Philosophy? Charlotte Mason was an educator that lived in the late 1800’s and early…
Planning and Prepping for a 6 Week Homeschool Term
Planning and Prepping for a 6 Week Homeschool Term | What we do between terms to put away the last term, and get the next term set up! We spent the last week on Instagram talking about how we take our homeschool term down and put it back up! So we thought a recap on the blog was in order. 1- What do we do when a term ends in our homeschool? View this post on Instagram A post shared by Sarah | K-12 Homeschool Resource Creator (@loveathomeed) #2- What do we do with used schoolwork? What do we do with all of their finished work when…
Deschooling, Unschooling, and Homeschooling- What do they mean, and why should we consider them? Part THREE.
Deschooling, Unschooling, and Homeschooling- What do they mean, and why should we consider them? Part THREE. Homeschoolig- the 3 most popular types. Deschooling- Click here Unschooling- Click here Homeschooling- You’re already here! I wanted to talk about the 3 types of ‘schooling’ found in home education. Some of you may be familiar with them, while some of these concepts may be extremely new! I am going to discuss what they are, and why you should consider each of them in your home education. This third post is all about homeschooling. As I make the other posts, they will be linked above and at the bottom of this post.…
How We Do Subjects in our Homeschool (Grades PreK-4)
How We Do Subjects in our Homeschool (Grades PreK-4) We didn’t want you to miss the entire series we did on Instagram. So here goes: How We Do Devotional in our Homeschool How we do devotional in our homeschool!! Well… we use a free one! 😱😱😱 Each week (sometimes I get ahead and do a month at a time) I create the next Old Testament Devotional. We do a little every day, 4-5 days of the week. 🙂 Next year will be all about the New Testament. And it doesn’t matter what Bible you use!! You can sign up for our email list RIGHT HERE, and get…
Deschooling, Unschooling, and Homeschooling- What do they mean, and why should we consider them? Part TWO.
Deschooling, Unschooling, and Homeschooling- What do they mean, and why should we consider them? Part TWO. Unschooling. Deschooling- Click here Unschooling- You’re already reading! Homeschooling- Click here I wanted to talk about the 3 types of ‘schooling’ found in home education. Some of you may be familiar with them, while some of these concepts may be extremely new! I am going to discuss what they are, and why you should consider each of them in your home education. This post is all about Unschooling. As I make the other posts, they will be linked above and at the bottom of this post. For this post, it is…
Deschooling, Unschooling, and Homeschooling- What do they mean, and why should we consider them? PART ONE.
Deschooling, Unschooling, and Homeschooling- What do they mean, and why should we consider them? Part ONE. Deschooling- You’re already here! Unschooling- Click here Homeschooling- Click here I wanted to talk about the 3 types of ‘schooling’ found in home education. Some of you may be familiar with them, while some of these concepts may be extremely new! I am going to discuss what they are, and why you should consider each of them in your home education. This first post is all about deschooling. As I make the other posts, they will be linked above and at the bottom of this post. Deschooling, and what it means…
Autumn Homeschool Plans with a 1, 6 and 8 year old
Autumn Homeschool Plans with a 1, 6 and 8 year old It is finally Autumn! Whether you call it fall, autumn, or just the -ember months… It is here in the Northern Hemisphere and I am SO EXCITED. It means its cooling down, baking is more acceptable, and the garden is finally happy. Let’s go over the 5 things I want to discuss here: 6 Week Cycles Autumn Daily Rhythm Curriculum picks Preschool/Play Read Alouds Our 6 Week Cycle Plans for Autumn We started 6 week cycles instead of schooling month to month, and we are LOVING it. July 11- August 19 was our first one,…
Adding Poetry to Your Homeschool- Why? and How?
Adding Poetry to Your Homeschool- Why? and How? Poetry… Honestly? Not something I ever imagined would be quite this big into our homeschool. I grew up on simple nursery rhymes, and other rhyming poetry such as Dr. Seuss. I love rhymes, and I love books that rhyme! But that was where my fascination stopped. It wasn’t until I read “The Brave Learner” by Julie Bogart, where she talks about igniting passion in your homeschool with poetry, that I even considered adding it in. Now, the way she talks about it is along with Poetry Tea Time. So back in 2019- my kids and I dove DEEP into poetry…
Our Autumn Resource Roundup for PreK-6th Grade Homeschoolers
Our Autumn Resource Roundup for PreK-6th Grade Homeschoolers An easy to find place, of all of our Autumn themed resources! This was published in Autumn 2022, but will be updated as more units are released. Autumn Themed Copywork Resources Autumn Themed Book Guides Autumn Themed Poetry Resources Other Autumn Themed Resources Autumn Themed Copywork Resources: Autumn/Thanksgiving Copywork Autumn/ Thanksgiving Unit Bundle! Halloween Copywork Halloween Unit Bundle! Autumn Themed Book Guides: The Magic School Bus: The Wild Leaf Ride The Magic School Bus: Elementary Science Curriculum (20 units, 100 mini lessons) Brambly Hedge: Autumn Story and The High Hills Brambly Hedge: Literature and Cooking Companion Guides…
The Answer to: “But how do I know WHAT my homeschoolers need to learn?”
The Answer to: “But how do I know WHAT my homeschoolers need to learn?” The simplest answer, they need to learn what they want to learn. But, if you are like me, and want to be that loosey goosey but CAN’T- well then, this is for you. I went to school to become a teacher. Is that training necessary for homeschooling? Absolutely not. They didn’t teach me to homeschool, more how to manage a classroom along with some general education. BUT what I did learn was where to look for “standards” that public schools use across the country. Because I live in a SUPER low regulation homeschool state,…