What does it mean to Cook with Science | Cooking with Science Category
What does it mean to Cook with Science | Cooking with Science Category
Cooking with Science is a name that means using the kitchen to learn science! Science can be Animal science, Earth science, Kitchen science (like Kid’s Cookbooks), or Physical Science. The way we use the kitchen to learn is by cooking, creating recipes, and doing experiments in the kitchen.
We believe that the kitchen can be a beautiful place to learn and connect with your family- whether you are a permanent homeschooler, your child is just home during this uncertainty, or you are wanting to connect to your kids outside of public school.
This blog post will be an ongoing list of descriptions of our Cooking with Science curriculum.
“Cooking is one failure after another, and that’s how you finally learn.” – Wise old Sayings
Please click on each product title to be taken to that page 🙂
Kids’ Cookbooks
Our Kids’ Cookbooks are the core of Kitchen Science. (Each of these are available as a pdf, or printed and shipped.
Cookbooks 1-5 demonstrate a 5 level cooking system, from pouring or mixing to reading and preparing the ingredients.
6 Cookbook Bundle. This Collection includes the first 6 kids’ cookbooks.
Cookbook- Recipes Around the World. This Kid’s Cookbook includes recipes from more than 6 countries.