(Our Reading Program) The Adventurer’s Guide to the Wonderful World of the Written Word

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This Adventurer’s Guide to Reading comes with:

79 Sight Words

23 Sight Word Sentences

20 Beginning to Read Books

27 Pages of Vowel CVC Word Families

12 Spelling Lists

4 Sequencing Paragraphs

Recommended Beginner Book List

2 Cookbooks

ABC Curriculum

And the Adventurer’s Textbook


Level A: ABC Curriculum

Level B: Sight Words

Level C: My First Reading Books; Spelling Tests; Dictation and Reverse Dictation

Level D: Reading, Retelling, and Sequencing Paragraphs


Purchase in Print, Pdf, or Just the Sight Words!



1. What if we don’t need level A? Do I still pay for the whole thing and skip it? There is an option to just purchase levels B-D. Level A is our PreK ABC Curriculum book, so we just took that out of this option.


2. How many pages are there per day? You can do any of the levels in any order, at the same time, or skip any that don’t apply to you. 🙂 This is just the way it worked best for my kids!  It’s not necessarily a number of pages per day. I was just asked by a few people to provide more of an outline!

For the sight words it is 5-6 per week; but you can do more or less.


3. Is everything we need in there or do I still supplement with anything? This should be everything you need, outside of beginning to read books. Our favorites are:

BOB Books

Beginning Reading Usborne Library

Elephant and Piggie


4. It says the sight word level B is 23 weeks…can I do level C along with it or do I have to go level by level?

We didn’t take 23 weeks to go through the sight words, but know some people who did take longer to go through them- 23 weeks is 4-5 sight words per week. 🙂

The biggest things for us:
1st thing we cover are letters and letter sounds
2nd would be introducing basic Sight words and sight word sentences to build confidence in your child.
3rd goal is actual sounding out while they read! 🙂 


5. So while teaching your own kids, did you teach sight words alongside the other reading work? Or did you take awhile JUST learning sight words…like 4-5 months?

We took a while JUST learning sight words. We played a lot of sight word games!! Once she had the confidence that hey- I can read these- we mixed those with regular words and perfected letter sounds 🙂


6. I guess I’m thinking my daughter should be actually beginning to read by 1st grade….is that incorrect?

We started Level A when she was 4. She’s just turned 6 and now she reads all the time!! So truly depends on your child and their learning style.

I’d recommend introducing regular reading and sight words, and seeing how she does 🙂 my daughter needed that extra push of confidence.


7. How much time would you say you spent on it everyday? I’ll be adding this onto her other work.

And we probably spend 10-30 mins per day, spaced out. Usually 5-10 minutes at a time 🙂


8. What are the little “my first” books…do they cover sight words or the later lessons?

The Little books cover sight words 🙂 they’re super fun to read!


9. And we work on a little everyday, no set start or finish?

Yes 🙂 If she wants to do more- I recommend you do more!
If not, maybe work in into play and give her a break 🙂

after the studying it finally just clicked for my daughter and she started reading everything!


Something else we did for reading:

My daughter had the Bob Books, and I ordered her ice cream for every 5 she read. With the limit that she could only have ice cream once per day!
One week she read 25 books, and had ice cream everyday.
And it kind of just took off from there 😂

We tracked them on the reading logs from everydaylearnandplay.com

Additional information


Full Pdf Unit, Sight Word Unit Pdf, Just Levels B-C Unit Pdf, CVC Words Pdf, Just Beginner Books Pdf, Just Reading Guide Print, Just Sight Words Print, Just CVC Words Print, Full Printed Unit (Guide, Sight Words, Beginner Books, CVC Words)

1 review for (Our Reading Program) The Adventurer’s Guide to the Wonderful World of the Written Word

  1. Allison (verified owner)

    This program helped my daughter’s reading skills when she was struggling to read.

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