Homeschool Help and FAQ’s

Table of Contents:

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  • Choosing a homeschool schedule
  • How many science/history lessons do I need?
  • Choosing when to do your subjects day to day


Choosing Your Homeschool Schedule


How many science/history lessons do I need?



Science studies:

Earth Science: 128 lessons total. 7 main units, broken down into 25 mini units.

Botany: 10-12 lessons

Science with the Magic School Bus. Covers 20 books, each with 5 mini lessons. 100 mini lessons total, divided up as you please.


History studies:

Western US: 13 lessons

My America K-4 History: 7 units, each with 9 lessons. 63 lessons total.

Coming soon: Eastern US: 13 lessons

The Renaissance: 5 Units each with 5 lessons: 25 lessons, Grades K-12


Choosing when to do your subjects day to day



  • What type of learner do I have? Finding your child’s learning style:
  • Homeschool Method/Philosophy Quiz


What type of learner do I have? Finding your child’s learning style:

Use these 6 questions, and answer them- OR click here to download them and write your answers down. Take the quiz for each child.

Here are some articles about how to include your child’s learning style in learning:


Finding your homeschool philosophy:

If you have an even, or close to even score, on multiple- you are Eclectic! Like me!


Help from Instagram:

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