Autumn Homeschool Plans with a 1, 6 and 8 year old

Autumn Homeschool Plans with a 1, 6 and 8 year old


It is finally Autumn! Whether you call it fall, autumn, or just the -ember months… It is here in the Northern Hemisphere and I am SO EXCITED. It means its cooling down, baking is more acceptable, and the garden is finally happy.


Let’s go over the 5 things I want to discuss here:

  1. 6 Week Cycles

  2. Autumn Daily Rhythm

  3. Curriculum picks

  4. Preschool/Play

  5. Read Alouds



Our 6 Week Cycle Plans for Autumn

We started 6 week cycles instead of schooling month to month, and we are LOVING it. July 11- August 19 was our first one, and August 29-October 7 is the one we are doing now. We do 6 weeks on, and 1 week off- using that week for planning. The next one, and the last for the year, will be October 17-November 18 and I am starting planning for next year.

Why do we do 6 week cycles? It is a really simple way to do things by theme, alternate between science and history, and get a lot done without feeling too overwhelmed. It also gives us lots of little breaks throughout the year!

You can actually download our templates for free here:

So, what are OUR 6 week cycle plans for Autumn?

The one we are in currently in is the August 29-October 7 term, which was half summer half autumn.


Our Autumn Daily Rhythm

Our Autumn daily rhythm was originally planned when we had two cars, so the kids and I were able to go out and do things. We are down to one car right now, but hoping to add on a second as soon as possible!! So this is an example of our daily rhythm:

It’s changed a little bit because we don’t have that second car, it is more like:

Shop on Saturday

Preserve everyday


But we hope to get back to this quickly!!


Curriculum Picks for Autumn- 6 and 8 year old

We covered this a little bit in the 6 week cycles above. But our curriculum picks are pretty simply laid out!! I will discuss them based on the 6 week cycle. (And don’t worry, we will do this again for Winter!)

Every week we cover the following: Devotional, Read Aloud (usually plus science OR history), 8 year old ELA, 6 year old ELA, Math, Other

Cycle: August 29-October 7, 2022



Cycle: October 19-November 19, 2022



See our Autumn Resource Roundup here


Autumn Preschool and Play- for my 1 1/2 year old

“Play is the work of childhood.” Says Jean Piaget, one of the great modern psychologists.

So what are our goals? Well, my little guy is BUSY. I mean busy. Always moving, always getting into everything… “What is big sister doing? I want to do that.” or “What is big brother doing? Let me prevent him from doing that.” So yes, we are adding in a little bit of structured learning. But for pre-preK that is so simple.

  1. Reading a lot of books. Reading books like- Touch and Feel, or indestructible books.
  2. Playing with blocks! Learning to stack them, knock them over, and stack them again.
  3. Narrating EVERYTHING. “Want this blue block?” “Oh good job! 1, 2, 3! that is 3 blocks high!” “Look at this page, do you see the horse? Point to the horse!” These are super super simple, tried and true ways, to teach.


Here are a few of my favorite books for preschool:

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Read Alouds for Autumn

We build our learning around books. There isn’t any point when we aren’t reading something!! Whether it be together, by ourselves, or both. I have books that I read during my alone time each morning, my 8 year old has dozens of chapter books she is cycling through, we have books we are reading for school, and then we are also starting to add books to our bedtime routine again.

So it is always books, books, books!! I am going to share all of the ones we are reading, have been reading, or will be reading this season. I have amazon links posted, but please search or, as well as your local thrift stores to see what great deals you can get!!


Read Alouds for the homeschool parent:


Read Alouds, and accompanying guides, for the Autumn Homeschool

Who Was Leonardo DaVinci, and Who Was Galileo? Accompany the Renaissance K-12 Unit: Click here.

Charlotte’s Web- Accompanies the Farmschooling Ultimate Unit Study: Click here.

Little House in the Big Woods- Accompanies the Harvestschooling Ultimate Unit Study: Click here.

The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe- Accompanies the Winterschooling Ultimate Unit Study: Click here.

The Secret Garden- Accompanies the Gardenschooling Ultimate Unit Study: Click here.


Read Alouds for Bedtime Routines



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