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Seasonal Homeschooling: How to Homeschool Differently with each Season!

Seasonal Homeschooling: How to Homeschool Differently with each Season!


I took some polls on Instagram, and it turns out that about 72% percent of my audience homeschools differently with each season! For us- it was just a natural rhythm that we seemed to fall into. Whatever your reason, or story- I hope this post is helpful!


2 different ways to homeschool “seasonally”

I wanted to touch on 2 different ways to homeschool seasonally. Of course, there are probably more than 2 ways- but these are the ways I am familiar with!

Way #1- Homeschool one way in the cooler months, and a different way in the warmer months.

We do this with Science and History. We do most of our science when it is warm/hot out- this ends up being in April-August. This is when we feel the itch to learn about nature, or feel inspired to dig deeper into science- and so I have just learned to roll with it!

How often each week we “do” science depends on what we are learning about. When we are learning about Gardenschooling; we tend to do a little each day while we are outside. When we are learning more ‘formally’ about things like dinosaurs,  natural disasters, rocks and minerals, or animals- we tend to do a Tuesday/Thursday schedule.

Every year in May we “gardenschool“, and read the Secret Garden. It is just what works for us!

Then- in the cooler months, we study history. This is generally when we do more “book work”, or reading. And so this year (2021) we are finishing up American History, and then doing US States Geography in the cooler months. Next year (2022) we will probably be doing some world history units based on books as well!

American History is generally M-W because of the curriculum we use; but geography will probably be either M/W or T/TH.

Click here to see our Instagram post about curriculum picks based on the season.


Way #2- Homeschool a different way each season! (Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring)

We do this naturally with things like read alouds, math, and our extra studies.

For example- in the Spring we are usually studying all things science, nature, and life! Summer is when we focus on reading (the kids too!), Fall is a lot of home study- cooking etc, and Winter is holidays, and extra studies.

I have heard that a lot of people do “Classical in the Fall, Unit Studies in the Spring”; and that is how we tend to do things as well! We do more book work when we are inside more, and more free fun work when we are outside more!



Why Homeschool Seasonally?

Well, for us the answer is simple. We like to switch things up! Make things fun, new, and exciting- and not fall into a boredom of education. I believe that switching things up, going based on your natural rhythm, and changing when you feel the need to change is sooo important- but also the reason that many of us homeschool in the first place!

You can homeschool based on the month, the season, the weather or temperature- you can homeschool based on your child’s age or interest, or what is going on in your home.

And one reason homeschooling seasonally is another good fit for our home, is that we homeschool year round- and don’t take off the whole summer. Instead, we have 3 months throughout the year where we do little to no “formal schooling”, but the months can be switched up! This year (2021) it was:

April: We took off most of April because I was sick, we had just moved, and it was at the “end of our school year”

August: We are taking off August because that’s when my baby is due, and I don’t want the extra stress of school!

December: Besides fun holiday themed activities, we are taking December off to slow down and celebrate the season!

And this fits us a LOT better than taking off June-August for Summer. But if that is what works for you- then do it! 😀 I would rather take off Spring and Fall days when we just want to enjoy the beautiful weather.


I hope this was helpful. Let me know how you school below!

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