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Sample Homeschool Schedules for Preschool-6th Grade

We have many different subjects to choose from to assemble your schedules! I hope this helps you plan your year! Please feel free to download the free “schedule builder” pdf to write down the schedule you wish for your children, and feel free to use our schedules (Last year for PreK and 1st, and this year for K and 2nd) as a template or inspiration!


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Sample Preschool Schedule

(You can get all of this in the 2 years of PreK Bundle)

If your child is JUST in PreK, we recommend not getting extra science, history, or math units. If you have older children, including those other units will be beneficial, as they can work on them together.

Math– Hands On Math, PreK-2nd Grade; Hands on Numbers, PreK 123 Guide

Language Arts– Hands on ABC Guide, PreK ABC Guide, Manuscript ABC Cards

Electives: Rainbow Tea Times, Preschool Card Games


Other resources we used for Preschool:

Little Lessons Calendar by Everyday Learn and Play

Preschool Journal by Arrows and Applesauce


Sample K-6th Schedule

These schedules are made using our curriculum, that you can find in our shop. Of course feel free to change them as you like- these are only samples of what you can do! Possibilities are more endless.

Math: Currently we only have a PreK-2nd Grade Hands-On Math Curriculum. The 3rd-6th Grade version is expected to be released in early 2022.

Science: We have a full 2 year Earth Science Curriculum, with 7 main bundles, containing 25 total units.

History: Currently we have an Independence Day Unit, K-4th Grade American History Unit, and United States Unit Studies for all 50 states. We are planning on releasing a condensed version of the 50 states curriculum called “Cooking through the United States” which is expected to be released in late 2021, or early 2022.

Language Arts: Currently we have full year Language Arts for Kindergarten and 2nd Grade. 1st and 3rd Grade are expected to be released in Fall of 2021.

Bible Studies: We release 1 new Old Testament Bible story every week, which email subscribers get for free.





We have quite a few electives to choose from!

Bible: Again, we are putting out Old Testament Devotionals.

Home Ec: We have meal planning sheets, and Kid’s cookbooks.

Tea Time: Myths and Magic Tea Times, Annual Poetry Guide, Tea Times Around the World, Rainbow Tea Times

Read Alouds: We have full Literature Guide Curricula for The Chronicles of Narnia, and My Father’s Dragon. Coming soon are guides like this for Eric Carle Collection, Great Illustrated Classics, and Dragon Maters.

We also have smaller guides for Frog and Toad, Berenstain Bears, the Secret Garden, and a few Great Illustrated Classics.

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