Great Homeschool Read Aloud and Audiobook Choices (Chapter Books)

In our post “Our 2nd Grade Reading Picks (Best Books for 2nd Graders to Read!)” we discussed the reading choices we are making for my daughter to read to us, and herself.

This post will be an ongoing post as well, being added to as we discover new read alouds and audiobooks! But these are books I either read to the whole family, or that they listen to during quiet time.

We keep record of the books that we listen to or read in goodreads, and I will just be adding those here!


Read Alouds- Books I have read to my kids- 2021


The Secret Garden-

In fact, we like the Great Illustrated Classics version, because my kids are young. (5 and 7) We read this every May- but I think next May we may try the longer version! We use The Secret Garden Book Guide when we read this  book.


The Chronicles of Narnia-

We have read The Magician’s Nephew (book 1), and The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe (book 2) a few times over the years. This year (2021) is the first year that we are trying to read 6/7 of the series! (We usually skip The Horse and His Boy, just because for this age- it is a LOT less engaging and you don’t miss too much of the story).

We are using the Into the Wardrobe Curriculum with this reading.


Other books on our list for 2021-

My Father’s Dragon Series (with this Literature Guide)

The My America Series (with this History curriculum)

The Dragon Masters Series


Other books and series we have read-

Magic Tree House

Imagination Station

The Secret of the Hidden Scrolls

Other books in the Great Illustrated Classics series- Alice in Wonderland, Swiss Family Robinson, A Christmas Carol, and more. With these literature guides.

The Little House on the Prairie Series- with this book guide.



Audiobooks- Books my kids listen to- 2020/2021-


The Boxcar Children-

We have officially listened to ALL of the Boxcar children books (at least that the library and libby app have to offer) except for the scary zombie one. These books are roughly 2 hrs each to listen to, so they would listen to half one day and half the other day!

A few of the titles: These are the ones they listened to in May 2021.

  1. The Creature in Ogopogo Lake
  2. The Shackleton Sabotage
  3. The Mystery of the Stolen Music
  4. The Mystery on Stage
  5. The Mystery in the Fortune Cookie
  6. The Clue in the Corn Maze
  7. The Mystery of the Mixed-Up Zoo
  8. The Mystery in the Cave
  9. The Midnight Mystery


Books by Beverly Cleary-

They listened to Ramona’s World, and we are now waiting for the other Ramona books to be off hold on the libby app!

Henry Huggins is the book series they listened to in June.

Now they are listening to the Beverly Cleary Audio Collection.



In the past, books they have enjoyed-

Magic Tree House-

We have read, or listened to this series 3 times. Usually during the summer time- or accompanying our studies. We use this literature guide along with them.



Check back each month to see what we are reading next! What are you reading? Comment below!


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