
Our Homeschool Autumn Rhythm

Our Homeschool Autumn Rhythm

We have a rhythm instead of a schedule.

What is a Rhythm?

“The difference between a rhythm and a schedule, in my mind, is the difference between a list of things you’d like to do or might do vs. a list of things you are told to do. Rhythm is a guide. Schedules feel more like a boss.” – BethanyIshee.com


“Webster dictionary defines Rhythm as:   



You may see our post on our Summer Rhythm here.


Our Pre-Autumn Rhythm for Autumn 2020 (August 2020)

Wake up


Morning Time

Independent Play/Break

Formal Studies

Pool- 1 hr

Quiet Time: Boxcar Children, Drawing, Games, Puzzles

Family and Independent Chores

Free Play Outside

Prepare for dinner, Dinner

Get Ready for Bed- Clay and Building with dad.




When the weather begins to cool down, we will trade in pool time for a morning walk. And probably do that between Morning Time and Formal Studies!

We will update this post at that time.


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