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How we use One Subject a Day in our Homeschool

Here is a simple schedule for One Subject a Day.


Each day we do our Morning Time, which may consist of:



Read Aloud

1st Grade Easy Readers


Art Journal and Storybook

M-W: We do one history lesson each day.


Then, we have “One Subject a Day” like the following:


Mondays- Language Arts Day

On Mondays we do Morning Time, and then Language Arts. Which may consists of a book report, copywork, workbooks, or mad libs!


Tuesdays- Math Day

On Tuesdays we do Morning Time, and then Math. Which may consist of Singapore Math, Wild Math, our own supplements, or games!


Wednesdays- History Day

On Wednesdays we do Morning Time, and then History. This usually consists of a cooking or craft project!


Thursdays- Science Day.

On Thursdays we do Morning Time, and then Science. This year we are using a Year of Anatomy Collaboration (future release), so it will consist of reading, art, cooking, and a feast of knowledge!


Fridays- Tea Time or Electives Day.

On Fridays we bake, and then do our Poetry Tea Time as part of our Morning Time.


The reasons we do this are:

  1. To get a deeper understanding on the day we learn about something.
  2. To give the child the rest of the week to solidify that information through play.
  3. To be able to spread out the subjects, so that there is room for more of them!


A few other things we do with One Subject a Day:

5-10 minute spurts per subject. I only expect my children to “work on” a project or assignment for 5-10 minutes at a time. If we need to revisit the project or assignment multiple times that day- that is OK.

If my kids are playing kindly in the morning when it is time for “school”- I let them keep playing and we do “school” later.

If there is a project or assignment that my kids are really invested in- I do not hurry them along.

We have a “Rhythm” rather than a schedule. Feel free to see my posts on our Summer Rhythm, and Autumn Rhythm to see more about that!

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