Cooking for Math! Fractions in the Kitchen Supplemental Curriculum
Cooking for Math! Fractions in the Kitchen Supplemental Curriculum My daughter is a hands on learner. She also looooves to cook, and gets a thrill from doing “adult things.” So we created our Fractions in the Kitchen Curriculum to combine the Hands On, Life Skills, and Danger that kids crave!! How do I use this curriculum? The way we use it is as follows: Each week we use the pictures and meal planner to create a kid friendly menu. Each time we use the menu, we do our math! So it is usually at breakfast or lunch time. We began with 1/2 and symmetry, and then slowly added…
How to Use the Magic Tree House Book Guides
How to Use the Magic Tree House Book Guides We have read Magic Tree House through as a family twice, they were the first chapter books my kids would sit through! We are about to read through them again, this time as a Summer Homeschool Curriculum! To make these book guides, I read all 58 books; taking notes on recipes, and nature in each book. Then, I compiled them into groups of 4-5 books, and included one written recipe per group. There are Adventure stamps to put on a map everytime you “visit” that place through reading!! How do I use this book guide? Our vision is that…
The Gardenschooling Observation Guide: What Is It?
The Gardenschooling Observation Guide: What Is It? We love taking nature walks, and we love nature!! And especially with this “Social Distancing” going on- It can be hard to know how to kick cabin fever. We had the idea for this guide back in December, and it was finally finished in early March! But it seemed as though it was meant to be, to help homeschoolers and those forced into schooling at home alike- to bring meaning to social distancing outside. Want to try it out? Click here for the Gardenschooling Guide Sample Freebie! How do I use this guide? Our vision is that you use this…
Easter Holy Week Freebies
Easter Holy Week Freebies Easter is a beautiful time to remember our Savior. What is Holy Week? “Holy Week in Christianity is the week just before Easter. It is also the last week of Lent, in the West, – Palm Sunday, Holy Monday, Holy Tuesday, Holy Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday – are all included. However, Easter Day, which begins the season of Eastertide, is not. Wikipedia” How do I use these freebies? We recommend printing the Holy Week Devotionals on cardstock, and laminating them. We strung ours across our bookshelf in the living room! And then print the writing or drawing pages on regular paper, double…