4 Benefits of Year-Round Homeschooling | Time, Flexibility, Seasonal, and Consistency
4 Benefits of Year-Round Homeschooling | Time, Flexibility, Seasonal, and Consistency Do you wish you had more time to spend with your children and watch them learn? Do you worry that your kids don’t have enough time to cultivate their passions or take time to relax? Homeschooling year-round could be the solution you’ve been looking for. Not only does year-round homeschooling provide a more flexible work-life balance for both kids and parents alike, it allows more flexibility in the way children learn and explore. This article will explore the first key benefit of year-round homeschooling – time – and explain how it can help families create meaningful experiences…
Incredible Homeschool Results in 5 Steps: Build Your Own Resource Bundle!
Incredible Homeschool Results in 5 Steps: Build Your Own Resource Bundle! Are you a parent looking to make a success of homeschooling your child? Have you heard about homeschool bundles but not sure how to build your own? This post provides a guide of 5 steps to show you how to create your own resource bundle and get incredible results! This post at a glance: 1. What is a Homeschool Resource Bundle? 2. The Benefits of Creating Your Own Resource Bundle 3. How to Choose the Right Resources 4. Picking the Best Bundle- or Building one Yourself 5. Tips for Creating the Best Homeschool Resource Bundle 1. What…
4 Steps to Start Homeschooling Your Children from DAY ONE
4 Steps to Start Homeschooling Your Children from DAY ONE See the YouTube Video here: How to Start Homeschooling #1- Figure out your WHY Answer these questions on paper, in the comments, or to yourself. WHY do we want to homeschool? Is this a choice made out of fear? How will Homeschooling be a benefit to my family? Knowing your WHY is one of the MOST important things you could ever decide, because it will carry you through all of the hard times. And trust me, there are plenty. Parenting is not easy, and Homeschooling is not either. But boy oh boy are they worth it!! How…
2023 Term 4 Homeschool Curriculum Picks for my 7 and 9 year olds
2023 Term 4 Homeschool Curriculum Picks for my 7 and 9 year olds Hey everyone! I am going to chat about the homeschool curriculum picks for term 4! We start in January, so this is our fourth term of the new homeschool year! Our schedule looks like: ✅Resources mentioned for term 4: ❤️Morning work: April Traceable Calendars https://loveathomeeducation.com/product/2023-calendar-printables-pdf-calendar-traceable-calendar-for-kids-calendar-printable-for-january-december-2023-blank-printable-calendar/ ❤️Planners: https://loveathomeeducation.com/product/physical-homeschool-planners-homeschool-rhythm-and-resource-list-undated-planners-and-dated-planners-for-homeschool-parents-in-2023-2024/ https://loveathomeeducation.com/product/blank-homeschool-planners-digital-homeschool-rhythm-and-resource-list-undated-planner-for-homeschool-parents-in-2023-2024/ https://loveathomeeducation.com/product/blank-kids-daily-planner-pastel-planner-daily-weekly-monthly-planner-for-kids-planning-paged-adhd-planning-pages-for-kids/ ❤️Devotional: New Testament Devotionals https://loveathomeeducation.com/sign-up-for-subscriber-freebies/ ❤️Read Aloud and Writing: The Ultimate Unit Study: Gardenschooling Edition https://theultimateunitstudy.com/shop/gardenschooling-edition/ ❤️Writing: Lowercase writing practice https://loveathomeeducation.com/product/trace-and-write-handwriting-cursive-and-manuscript/ ❤️Science: Unschooling Calendar: Bugs https://loveathomeeducation.com/product/unschooling-calendar-monthly-subscription/ ❤️Unschooling Math in the Kitchen: https://loveathomeeducation.com/product/unschooling-with-math-kitchen/ You can check out the YouTube video for this as well:
How to Get Started Homeschooling (And how to get our FREE E-Book)
If you are reading this, then that means you are hoping to take the leap and join the journey of homeschooling!! Do these song lyrics feel familiar? Right now you can’t see the path before you, the horizon is out of reach But you’re paralyzed, afraid to take the leap Our Last Night- The Leap Well, let me tell you. Making the initial decision to homeschool is one of the hardest parts. But I want to help you in any way I can! How to Get Started Homeschooling, Part 1 1- Look up your state laws (hslda.org, or google.com) 2- File an…