
2023 Term 3 Homeschool Curriculum Picks for my 6 and 8 year olds

2023 Term 3 Homeschool Curriculum Picks for my 6 and 8 year olds


Hey everyone! I am going to chat about the homeschool curriculum picks for term 3! We start in January, so this is our third term of the new homeschool year!


Our schedule looks like:

❤️Morning work: March Traceable Calendars https://loveathomeeducation.com/produ…

❤️Planners: https://loveathomeeducation.com/produ… https://loveathomeeducation.com/produ… https://loveathomeeducation.com/produ…

❤️Devotional: New Testament Devotionals https://loveathomeeducation.com/sign-…

❤️Read Aloud and Writing: The Ultimate Unit Study: Anne of Green Gables https://theultimateunitstudy.com/shop/

❤️Copywork: Christina Rosetti Copywork https://loveathomeeducation.com/produ…

❤️Science: Unschooling Calendar: Animals https://loveathomeeducation.com/produ…

❤️Math: PreK-2nd and 3rd Grade Hands on Math Units https://loveathomeeducation.com/produ… https://loveathomeeducation.com/produ…

❤️Unschooling Math in the Kitchen: Coming Soon!


You can check out the YouTube video for this as well:

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